

A quick list of what I've been up to lately

Photo by Liz Weston
College or more specifically midterms
These past few weeks required at least two big writing projects, five exams, and me procrastinating on working on it till at least two nights before it was due.

Adjusting to this unregular, kind of wacky sleep schedule
I tend to get about five hours of sleep at night and then try to sleep in for another ten minutes. This wouldn't happen if I didn't procrastinate on my homework.

Helping out with various club events
Whether it's the undergrad literary magazine, a high school conference, or a Vietnamese New Year event, I'm usually helping out in some way.

Planning for upcoming trips
This year I'm going to Phoenix, Arizona; Seattle, Washington; and next year, if all goes according to plan, Vietnam.

Helping out with the Stay Bookish Zine
Stay Bookish Zine is this new YA literature e-magazine that's coming out on March 20 of this year. It's going to feature various book lovers; why a certain hyped up book deserve its hype; YA quotes; bookstores around the world; and more. It's been an amazing process from coming up with ideas to finalizing the little details. It also made me learn a lot about teamwork, time zones, and the importance of formats.

And now the weather:

~ Stacy N.


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