

A special day today

First a picture.

Second a phobia or two:
Samhainophobia: A fear of Halloween
Nyctophobia: An abnormal fear of night or darkness

Third: Happy Halloween!!!
That's why I put up the picture, it's cute isn't it?
Plus I'm going to be a rainbow witch for Halloween, a bit off from the normal witches.

FOURTH: One more day till National Novel Writing Month!
More last minute planning, more nagging from your characters, and other stuff.
And plus don't forget to check out my nano page.

And that's it, have fun trick or treating or scaring, or doing nothing today.

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A superhero spotlight

And that is Superman (though I prefer Batman,) but that doesn't matter because he helps the world right? And that's good, or else evil will take over and the world probably would have ended a long time ago.

Definitely not me by the way.

Plus one of my favorite songs by Taylor Swift. 

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And no it's not anything that bad that has happened to my family, friends, or me. That was in case if you worried, and thanks for your concern. I'm shocked and scared for other reasons because nanowrimo is just six days away. And I'm planning on staying up till midnight for it, just like a real holiday. Well just like New Years. And I'm excited, because I now have a chance to work on something new. As well as scared because it's my first time, and it means putting my well developed novel on hold for the moment.

Which reminds me my Nanowrimo page is now up, go check it out it has some useful links, and a couple of good tips. As well as an overview on my nano novel.
Click to enlarge

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Six words

Je suis moi ~ I am me.

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Who my nano stars are

I've posted my nano plot up a while ago, if you didn't see it go here. Well a plot can't be a story without characters, so who are going to be my stars for the plot? Well I'll tell it to you, because I don't have much to do, except read the Hunger Games and write.

Three things you need to know:
Imperior: The group of people that comes from the planet Miris.
Earthlings: The group of people that comes from the planet Earth.
Implings: Half Imperior half Earthlings.

Brackon Lightwing: A main character that goes onto a revolution, he’s an Earthling. Plus he has a ‘small’ crush on Mia, that’s been there ever since she first appeared on TV

Mia Waterfall: My other main character, who rules the world (well at least part of the world), she’s an Imperior. She doesn’t realize it yet but she likes Brackon, though how she sees his face, no one will ever know.

Kalee Killjoy: She’s Mia’s bodyguard and most trusted friend, she’s also an Imperior. She may appear tough, mean, and ferocious on the outside but on the inside, she’s nice and sweet, especially to Mia since they’ve been friends forever.

Brandon Hatch: He’s a fourteen-year-old Imperior that helps Mia along the way.

Rose Shorten: Mia’s only friend that’s her age, she has leukemia but Mia doesn’t find out yet. She’s possibly one of the only Earthlings that are friends with Mia.

Jaycen Egglesten: She’s a sixteen-year-old Imperior that helps Brackon along the way of his journey/revolution thing.

James Offleson: He’s an Earthling that is best friends with Brackon. He’s the one of the few people Brackon will listen to, and tell his problems too as well.

Carl Loutfur: He’s Brackon’s private tutor, slightly crazy but he hides it very well. He’s an Earthling.

Sabastian Loutfur: He’s Carl’s older brother, and also Mia’s private tutor. He’s an Earthling, and one of Mia’s few friends.

Paula Rodriguez: She’s an Impling, one of the famous Three Musketeers (A trio of famous TV show hostesses.) She’s very optimistic as well as pessimistic about life.

Eliena Everstien: Another one of the famous Three Musketeers, she’s the Imperior of the group. And she views life in an optimistic way.
Lynn Acey: The last of the Three Musketeers, she’s the only Earthling of the group. She views life pessimistically

Mitchie Harris: She’s a spy in training aka S.I.T, an Impling. And she travels with Brackon, and so doesn’t have a crush on him.

Selina Hide: She’s Mia’s cousin, making her an Imperior. She travels around the world a lot, for some reasons unknown, but the main one is trying to run from her problems, which is kind of working.

Rosia Lightwing: Brackon’s younger sister, the only other person that can listen to Brackon’s problems without judging him, and his only most trusting younger sibling.

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Dear Jen, and twin,
I hope you have a cupcake or at least a cake filled day with birthday wishes and joy.
Now here's a picture.

Stacy N. 

P.S. I have a twin and that means....

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What survival methods are you planning to use to get through NaNoWriMo?

     Ah, the age old question that they give every young writer participating in nanowrimo on the ywp site. I don't really have a clue on how I'll survive but what I put in as my answer was a link. A link that had five tips on how to survive nano. And so I decided to share it with you, because it will come in handy, especially since it starts in two weeks. (Copied from here: http://ywp.nanowrimo.org/node%252F500237) (The things that can pop up using google.) And also this is useful for every nanoer or wrimo, using the young writer site or the main site.

1. Writing Buddies.
In 2006, I was teaching in an MFA program and talked several students and a couple faculty members into participating. Every day I would pop on the site and check out their word counts. The race was on. It’s easier to get those words out when you have something on the line. For us, it was lattés to whoever made the 50K first. And I think we all made the deadline before the end of November with two of us going on to sell those novels.
2. A Support System.
Each year, my family knows how many words I need to pump out in a day, and if I haven’t done it by the time they get home from work or school, they know they need to leave me alone and let me work. It helps if they offer reinforcement too, pushing me on when I don’t feel like writing.
3. Routine.
I do my NaNoing at the same time, same place every day, so it becomes a habit. If my initial morning time doesn’t allow me to hit my word count, I’ll write again in the evening. And most importantly, I don’t get down on myself if I miss a day. I just get back into it as soon as I can and make up for the lost words over a few days.
4. Start Fresh.
By November 1 each year, I have an idea. It may just be the names of a couple main characters, but that’s enough to start with. And I don’t edit myself. Some days I do go back and read what I’ve already written, but I don’t revise anything during November. I just let the story wander wherever it wants to go, knowing that at the end of the month I will have a big fat chunk of words that I can then mold into something good.
5. Strategic Stopping Points.
I always stop for the day when I’m hot. For example, say I’m writing an exciting chase scene that I’m really into. I stop before I finish the scene, so I can get right into it again the next day. If I were to finish the scene completely the day before, then I’d be staring at the blank screen the next day thinking, “Now what?” Instead, I’m off to the races, racking up the word count for the day, on my way to the finish line.

The pep talker is S.A Bodeen, by the way.
P.S, if you want friend request me on the ywp one or the main site one, my username is 1018mockingjay, on both sites.

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Some more picture quotes

Because I obviously don't feel like posting who my characters are for my nano novel at the moment.
But first...

What I want is the red dress, because it's pretty. As well as the grey one. Isn't it obvious that I watched Alice and Wonderland around the week?

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