

Poetry Wednesday (4)

Poem: What Guys Look For In Girls - A Slam Poem by Savannah Brown

"you don't live to meet credentials established by a madman"

- Stacy N.
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Poetry Wednesday (3)

Poem: No official title but, Is “B” for Books or Boobs? BOTH., works just as well.

"See, I'd much rather be woman, and if it means that I must be a monster, then Happy Halloween."
- Stacy N.
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Poetry Wednesday (2)

Trigger warning: eating disorder.
Poem: Shrinking Women by Lily Myers 
There are a number of ways you could interpret this poem, from society telling women to shrink and become submissive and quiet to eating disorders. Remember, there are no right or wrong answers just answers. 

- Stacy N.
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Lifescouts badge #27: Summer's past

Barbecues have changed in my family. It started out as being held in the summer with chicken on the grill with some juicy watermelon. Now it’s held whenever, in a casual manner with hamburgers, hot dogs, and bacon getting cooked on the grill. 
~ Stacy N.
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Poetry Wednesday (1)

Where I present to you some of my favorite poems, like How To Be Alone by Tanya Davis. 
- Stacy N.
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Yay, another award

Thank you Starflower, from the blog fairy skeletons, for awarding me the Liebster Award. ^.^
And customary to blog awards there are rules.

  • Each nominee must link back to the person that nominated them!
  • Answer the ten questions given to you by the nominator!
  • Nominate 10 other bloggers who have less than 200 followers!
  • Create 10 questions for your nominees to answer!
  • Let the nominees know you have nominated them by going to their website and notifying them!
Now onto the questions and answers. 
1. Who are some of your favorite people you've met on the Internet?
I'm not sure, because there are many great people that I've met on the Internet. 

2. Favorite book character?
Augustus Waters, Katniss Everdeen, and Adam Parrish are the top three that come to mind.

3. What's the best thing you've ever created?
Many things come to mind like baking brownies in a muffin tin or creating that art collage for my painting class, but I would have to say my fantasy novel Immortality Doesn’t Exist.

4. Cold weather or warm weather?
Personally, I prefer warm weather. It's a nice time to go outside and just relax. However, I also like cold weather because I could throw a blanket over me, drink hot chocolate, and read a book. 

5. Favorite fairy tale/myth? 
Little Red Riding Hood has always intrigued me. 

6. What do you do when you can't sleep?
I would oftentimes go onto my computer and just go onto tumblr or write or blog or watch some videos that are most likely sciency or whatever else my computer has to offer.

7. If you could have any superpower, what would it be? 
I've just been thinking about this the other day at school. And it has got to be the power to stop time. That way I can catch up on sleep, and have plenty of time to study, as well as take a few moments to myself during stressful periods.

8. What five words best describe you? 
Smart, lazy, quiet, shy, nerdy.

9. What was your last dream like?
Weird as usual. This time it involved my junior high school building, everyone I know from my new school and old school, textbooks, and my study hall teacher. 

10. What's the best advice you've gotten?
The future is today.
Love yourself.

My questions for the nominees:
  1. What is one of the things you want to do on your bucket list?
  2. Do you have any bad habits that you want to break?
  3. If you had the chance to turn into any mythical creature, which mythical creature would you turn into and why?
  4. Do you collect anything, if so what?
  5. What was the last book that you’ve read?
  6. What’s on your to-read list?
  7. Do you read the book before watching the movie or watch the movie before reading the book?
  8. What do you love about yourself?
  9. What is one thing you want to learn how to do before you die?
  10.  What is one piece of advice that you would give to yourself from twenty minutes ago?
To anyone who wants this award, and who has less than 200 followers. Because, I cannot think of any bloggers to nominate at the moment.

And now the weather:
- Stacy N.
P.S. Just a random fact, liebster is German for beloved person or darling.

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Camp Nanowrimo: A fourth time around?

It is now day two of Camp Nanowrimo. A writing event that is taking place during April and July of this year. It is where you attempt to write 10,000 or more words (depending on what you have set as your word count) on your novel, fanfiction, poetry, script, etc for a full month. And then if you want, you can try writing another 10,000+ words during July. More info, about it can be found here.
This is my fourth attempt at Camp Nanowrimo. The first year it started, I've done it informally, afraid to try my hand at writing fifty thousand words during the summer. Instead what I ended up doing was write about 25 K or so during July. That was surprisingly easy. I tried again during August, only to fail due to the fact that school was starting again.
The next year in August of 2012, I've tried Camp Nanowrimo again. Only this time getting about 35 K written. Again, school was starting and it was distracting me, with all its homework and coursework and such. Which was a pity because I actually liked writing Shh, Silence is Golden. Though, I might continue working on it sometime this year.
Last year in April, I tried Camp Nanowrimo for the third time. This time only attempting 30,000 words. However, there was school and the fact that Eliza didn't particularly interest me. So I only managed to write about seven thousand words. Which seems like a lot, but in truth it isn’t.
As you can see a pattern is starting to show. Whenever, I attempt to write during months which starts with the letter A, I would fail. Just kidding, however, whenever I do attempt to do Camp Nanowrimo, I would most often than not fail on my word count. Simply because school would distract me and I would get bored with whatever it was that I was writing about. Which is bad because you often need passion for whatever it is you’re doing. Whether it’s starting a business to cooking for loved ones.
But back to what I’m talking about. Camp Nanowrimo is not as motivational as Nanowrimo. There are no pep talks, not many interesting special offers, and it's just not the same if it isn’t held in November.
However, there's something about Camp Nanowrimo that keeps me coming back to it over and over again. Maybe it's because it encourages me to continue on writing during the middle-ish of the year. Maybe it's because there's some part of me who misses writing on a deadline. Maybe I just miss Nanowrimo and want to do it again. Maybe it's because I like doing Camp Nanowrimo, despite the fact that I never really finish my word count goals.
Oh well, whatever the reason, I'm back to doing Camp Nanowrimo again this year. This time I'm only writing 10,000 words. Which is the lowest word count goal that I have ever set for myself. And I don’t know if I can accomplish it. To make this even more of a challenge, I’m writing poetry. No, it isn’t going to be like an Ellen Hopkins novel, where it’s a novel written in poetry. Almost all the poems that I am writing will be completely disconnected from each other. In fact, the only thing that will connect them together is the fact that it’s written by me. However, I can’t just make up completely random poems at the top of my head. So I’m using past poem a day prompts from Writer’s Digest to help me. Which are surprisingly fun to do.

And now the weather:
                Broken Record by Tessa Violet 
- Stacy N.

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