

It's okay to make mistakes

Humans are inherently flawed creatures. This includes the random person that you meet on the street all the way up to the influential people that you only hear about through the media. So, don’t try to put a person up on a pedestal, like the leader of some country, and then expect them to fix them every single problem. Because they’re only one person, and they could only do so much.
And the person on the pedestal is not a god or Superman. So don’t idolize them to the point where they’re not even human anymore. Because that pressures them to be Perfect. Which is scary and bad, because when they mess up, it’s a humongous deal and they’re now monsters. Even if the mistake was a small one.
Also, learn how to forgive the people you admire for making mistakes. They probably didn’t know that what they did was wrong. And hopefully, they’re taught on what they did was wrong, and then they’ll hopefully learn from that experience and try not to make that same mistake again. Also, as I said before, humans aren’t perfect.
And since humans are not perfect that means that human made groups like feminism are also not perfect. Feminism, like anything else, is flawed. It’s forever changing. It’s complex. And it doesn’t capture everything wrong with the world. However, by addressing what’s wrong with the world, like the double edged sword of female sexuality to the fact that there isn’t enough representation in Western media, Western literature, and anything else, it’s a step towards helping fixing everything that’s wrong with the world.
So learn about the problems that people have to face, come to conclusions with it, address it, and then try to teach other people about it. And remember it’s okay to mess up. As long as you learn from it, you’ll grow as a valuable human being.

Thoughts inspired by “Feminism (n.): Plural” from Bad Feminist by Roxane Gay and my Gender 2500 class.
Also found a version of “Feminism (n.): Plural” that is a bit shorter than the one in the book. http://roxanegay.tumblr.com/post/36978885406/feminism-plural

And now the weather:
Neopolitan Dreams by Lisa Mitchell

~ Stacy N.
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Puzzles on a Rainy Day (A pretentious sounding poem)

Inspired by "In a Station of the Metro" by Ezra Pound

White puzzle pieces in an empty box;
Broken hearts inside hollow rib cages. 

And now the weather: 
~ Stacy N.
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Just College Things

  • It’s pretty damn cool that the professors here are required to call people by their preferred name and preferred pronouns.
  • Inwardly moaning about printing costs, and how it’s eventually going to add up.
  • Walking everywhere, mainly in the heat (darn you Utah), and up and down hills and stairs. 
  • Starting to become a hungry college student (probably from a lot of walking and thinking), and probably be one of the few who doesn’t get the freshman fifteen. 
  • Tired. 
  • Cursing about parking on game days.
  • Reading a lot of great, surprising, weird, and/or sometimes okay stories. 
  • There’s usually some kind of event going on somewhere on campus, like a farmer’s market, a club’s social, meeting the dean of your college, etc. 
  • There’s peace, quiet, and comfy chairs in the library. 
  • Getting lost while driving around campus. 
  • That excitement about going to the local bookstore to grab some books for class. And exploring all the little nooks and crannies of that place. 
  • Procrastination
  • Accidentally being late for work (look back at the getting lost around campus, and the many events that are happening). 
  • Fingerprinting and how modern it is now.  
  • Kind of dreading and kind of excited about getting to play with little kids for my gender class. 
  • There’s free food somewhere.
  • Finally knowing the meaning of a broke college student. 
  • Writing papers in the middle night (look back at procrastination and look down at the schedule) 
  • Trying to juggle my schedule so it could fit school, study, work, and fun. As one of my department leaders from work said, “It’s like Jenga” or something like that. 
  • Meeting lots of people.
  • Hanging out with friends. 
  • Studying almost everywhere, at work, home, school, and on the Trax train. 
  • Slowly getting used to the Trax train and bus system that’s in Utah.
  • Getting a new laptop and trying to make that become a bit like the old one. 
  • Windows 10 and the school internet.
  • Thinking that one of my exes was going to another college. But nope the joke is on me. Oh well, at least we have different schedules, so the chance of actually running into each other is pretty low. 
  • Busy, busy, busy.
  • Feeling happy because its college, where you (slowly) become your own independent self. 
And now the weather:
~ Stacy N.
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2015-2016 College Goals

texture source
font: yu gothic
~ Stacy N.
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