

Lifescouts badge #2: Watching the sunrise

It was a night long ago, one where words and reality seemed far more interesting than one that dreams can provide. Soon far too soon than my brain can conceive, I hear my part of the world waking up to a new dawn. And shortly after, a realization comes to me; I've stayed up all night. And what a night it was, staying on the computer talking to a few online friends of mine while the television showed bad infomercials and my mom insisted that I go to sleep (and in an act of independence and mainly teenage rebellion, I decided to not listen to her).

However, my eyes could not stay on the computer any longer or risk going blind. So after quickly reheating some plain white rice for a light breakfast, I went outside to enjoy the fresh air. It was dewy and slightly chilly as well as pretty. The chair I was sitting on was also dirty, but I didn’t care because I was tired and it wasn’t like I was going anywhere later that day. Plus, it was a nice to be at as the sun started to raise bringing a nice glowing orange and blue to start off another school free, summer day. 

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Lifescouts badge #1: The french language and me

French or Spanish?
A simple little decision with a simple little answer in my simple little about to be seventh grader brain.
French, of course. 
It was also a simple little want to not become like my older sister (the Spanish geek). Plus the French language sounded more romantic and exciting. Mix in the need to actually go to France, plus add a small handful of pretty funny friends, and fun things to do in French class (going to a French restaurant, a French fair, seeing a French play, and such), it was enough to keep me in that class for four years. 
And in that four years it taught me a few things, such as, I'm good at writing French, however, I have a lot of trouble speaking it. It also gave me a chance to have a few French pen pals (though writing to them ended pretty quickly somewhere along the summer/upcoming school year). 
However, throughout the four years I’ve been in French class, it taught me a very big thing, I learn better if I’m on my own. 

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Lifescouts: A badge collecting community where you collect badges based on your experiences. For more information watch this video by the creator of Lifescouts (Alex Day). To start collecting badges go to the official site. To get the physical badges go to the Lifescouts store.
Note: you don’t have to have a tumblr to collect your badges. You can post your badges and your stories that go along with it on your personal blog or website and that will still work. You can also print out the badges and glue it into a journal and write down your story. Or you can also do a YouTube video about it, or something else of that sort. The whole point of it all is to collect your badges and share the story of how you got them, so it can motivate people to get that badge as well.
And, all of this has given me an idea for a weekly meme, as you can say. Every week (starting next week), I shall post one of the badges that I have received, and the story behind that badge. It will be on Wednesday, and it will also give you some insight about what has happened on some points of my life. And hey, it just might inspire you as well to start collecting Lifescouts badges.

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A head full of Les Misérables

Around Wednesday, people from my french class and I went to a theater to see Le Misérables. It was fun and pretty interesting and it nearly had me in tears. But most of all, it made me want to watch the movie, it also made me kind of want to read the book with its one thousand-ish pages. However, for the moment, I'll settle with listening to the musical via spotify.

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18 random little facts about me

  1. I used to be in love with the idea of being in love (might still be actually).
  2. My favorite number is the number eighteen (hence why there’s eighteen facts).
  3. My favorite letter is the letter S.
  4. I live in a bright blue house by a school somewhere in the United States.
  5. I had my hair cut recently; it’s now chin length and practical.
  6. I like wearing dresses and (high) heels.
  7. I like baking; however, I usually don’t have the ingredients or some of the proper baking supplies.
  8. I've had my learner’s permit for approximately two months now.
  9. I am afraid of dark bathrooms (Bloody Mary, Bloody Mary, Bloody Mary).
  10. I haven’t had a serious crush since the sixth grade.
  11. I now call myself a proud (and maybe slightly obsessive) Whovian.
  12. I’m like a bear; I take a break from my writing during the winter months.
  13. I’m used to long periods of silence (better that way, since I don’t really listen to the music).
  14. I dread the idea of hanging out with my older sister’s boyfriend again (reason: the third wheel).
  15. I often times see myself as plain.
  16. I’m bad at comforting people.
  17. I’m not afraid of the Weeping Angels, after seeing some gifs of them dancing on tumblr, I realized that they aren't that scary after all. However, if I saw them in real life, I would be terrified.
  18. I’m a bit bad with communicating with people on any form (especially if it’s one on one). 

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Simple, silly beliefs that I can't help but believe in.

Legend says, when you can’t sleep at night, it’s because you’re awake in someone else’s dream.
(found on tumblr)
A few weeks ago there was a restlessness that would plague me during the nights when I’m trying to reach the place of a truly deep unconsciousness.
However, instead of reaching that point in my sleep cycle, my subconscious mind would start thinking about who’s dreaming about me.
I know that it’s silly and pretty unrealistic, but I can’t help but think those thoughts.
Would it be my siblings, a guy, my friends?

Whenever the necklace clasp is in the front, it means that someone is thinking about you.
(Heard from a friend; and if I recall correctly, if the clasp is on the left a family member is thinking about you or if it ends up on the right side, your crush is thinking about you)
Depending on the day, I would sometimes wear a necklace.
And whenever the clasp would turn to the left without my doing, I wonder if my older sister or any of my other siblings or any of my family members in general is thinking about me.
However, whenever it turns to the right, I wonder if it’s a guy is thinking about me, which I find highly unlikely.

It’s 11:11, make a wish.
More often than not, I wish for happiness.
Even if I’m already happy, I still wish for it.
By now, it’s become a habit, because nothing else really interests me much.
And when I do wish for something else, I try to stop my tongue from spitting out its habitual answer whenever it’s 11:11.
However, I often lose the battle.
And plus, having too much happiness isn’t that bad.
Is it?

Spin the stem of a fruit while saying the alphabet at the same time. And when the stem comes off at a random letter, it means that you’re going to marry a person whose first or last name starts with whatever letter you’ve stopped at.
 (A silly thing my friend made up in eighth grade)
An example: I spin the stem while saying the alphabet, and when I say C the stem comes off.
That means that I might marry a guy named Connor or Kyle Casey.
It was funny, the names my friends and I would come up with for a certain letter.
More often than not, we didn’t know anyone who had a name starting with that letter.
And it was mainly eww, if we did know someone whose name did start with that letter.
Especially if said person was going to the same school as us and was in the same room with us at that moment.

So what are some silly things that you find yourself believing in? Is it making a wish at 11:11, making a wish then attempting to blow out the dandelion on the first try, or something else entirely? And why?

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A Beautiful Yet Assertive interview.

Hello lovely people who are reading this right now. And welcome to another edition from my little talks. Today, there's going to be an interview with the lovely Naana from Beautiful Yet Assertive. She has an amazing blog so you should check it out.
Well, onto the interview.
My name is Naana Kwakyewaa Antwi, 14 years of age and I am a fashion/beauty/faith blogger!
Describe yourself. What do you think about yourself, and do you think people perceive you in the same way?
People perceive me to be a snob but I am quite nice just that I am quiet and I don’t know what to say in the presence of people!
What do you do to have fun?
Blog, watch TV, read books!
What was your reason for creating a blog?
My reason for creating a blog was to share with the world, what goes in my life, who I am, my thoughts, everything!
Why did you name your blog name Beautiful Yet Assertive?
Well, I named my blog ''Beautiful Yet Assertive'' because my mom thinks it perfectly describes me and I thought it was catchy!
Do keep a schedule or do you post whenever?
No, I don't keep a schedule and I post whenever I get the opportunity!
What’s your favorite thing about blogging?
My favourite part about blogging is when people leave a comment on one of your posts and share their thoughts!
What don’t you like about blogging?
Well, the fact that sometimes, people don't understand you and what you are saying but I guess we all have different views!
Do you blog specifically for you or do you blog for your followers, viewers, and readers? Why?
I blog specifically for me and also consider my audience! You have to let your inner self shine through and still manage to make it work for your audience and followers!
What do you post about the most?
It has mostly been fashion since I started but I hope to add more beauty/faith posts! I guess currently, it's about my faith which I hope to post more of!
What do you post about the least?
I guess currently, it's about my faith which I hope to post more of!
What would you like to post more often?
Definitely my faith and maybe fashion-related posts!
Would you ever delete your blog in the future?
No, I hope not to delete my blog even when I go to boarding school in future for my senior high education (where surfing the net is banned). I hope to post when I am on holidays!
Would you ever take up blogging as a career?
No, blogging is not going to be a career but more as a hobby that I hope never to end!
What do you want to be when you grow up?
Don’t laugh: Either a doctor/lawyer, TV hostess, model
The best part of waking up is?
To know you have survived another day!
What do you most appreciate in life?
God and family and friends and everything good in my life!
What do you always wish for?
Success in everything!
Name a childhood memory.
My best friend?
If you were to name one piece of clothing that describes you, what would you say and why?
Jeans because even though I am kind of girly, I think jeans are very comfortable!
What would be harder for you, to tell someone you love them or that you do not love them back?
Not the latter one!
If the world did end the next day, what would you have done differently?
Well I don’t know, trying to do whatever I am doing wrong right!
If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go?
Are you Right-handed or Left-handed?
What is your favorite ice cream flavor?
What is your favorite book?
Can I write two?! Any Baby-sitters club series or sweet valley high book is awesome for me!
What is your favorite TV show?
Out of ‘’How Do I look’’, fashion 101 and ANTM, I would choose ANTM! There are some episodes which are vogue and I don’t agree with but there are some awesome tasks that the models have to do and there are great tips!
What is your favorite website?
Mine of course!
What is your favorite month of the year?
February, I was born in that month! 6th of Feb!
Would you rather skip Christmas for a year, or skip your birthday for a year?
Neither, sorry!!!!!!
Would you rather have many acquaintances and no friends or have only one or two close friends?
Only one or two friends would do just fine!
Would you rather live in the same world as your favorite fictional character for a year or be your favorite fictional character for a year?
Live in the same world as my favourite fictional character for a year!
Tea or coffee?
Crayon or paintbrush?
Crayon, not exactly good with brushes!
Pink or purple?
Florida or Alaska?
Florida because even though I have never been there, it sounds like a great place to be! Alaska sounds awesome too but Florida it is!

  And that ends the round of questions in this interview with Naana. Thanks for joining in the first interview on my little talks, and yes I know that I’m a sucky interview host. I hope you have a nice day/night. 

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