

Lifescouts badge #11: Childhood games

When I was younger I used to play on my Nintendo ds a lot. And the video games themselves were, well, silly. It was just a few doggy games here and there, occasionally a Mario game (that my brother ‘lent’ me). And after a lot of time and frustration I was able to create some high scores but the price seemed to have been a non-working L button.
Along with the DS (or technically before), I would play on the GameCube with my brother. The games we would play was usually a Mario game or a war game. And the playing experience during that was tolerable, though slightly violent whenever my brother doesn’t win something.

And just like nearly every child, I used to play Pokémon. The version was the gold one, which by now is pretty old. And the game itself was pretty fun except for the few times when it froze and I forgot to save it before it happened. However, there came a day when I had to stop playing because my annoying little brother got rid of my gameboy and the game. I still haven’t entirely forgiven him for that. 

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