

Lifescouts badge #6: And around we go

The first time I have ever rode a horse was when I was at the state fair. All it required was some money, a few horses, and rope to tie the horses to the pole that was in the center of the whole thing. Then once all that was done, I was put on a horse along with my friends. And then we went around and around in a nearly perfect circle, sidestepping some horse crap here and there, till I felt happy and very dizzy.
This experience has taught me a few things or two.
  1. Riding a horse is fun.
  2. It’s uncomfortable because the horse’s back is very wide.
  3. I would not want to own a horse in my lifetime. 

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'Cause you are the piece of me I wish I didn't need

I can't help but be reminded of my two characters from my 2012 Camp Nano book, Shh, Silence is Golden
If our love is tragedy, why are you my remedy?
If our love's insanity, why are you my clarity?

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Lifescouts badge #5: The zoo

I love the zoo, and over the years I’ve seen a lot of cool things there. From a variety of birds that flew over the audiences’ heads during the bird show to actually feeding the birds themselves with birdseed stuck on a popsicle stick. There was once an albino alligator (or was it a crocodile?), as well as a baby elephant being born. And I believe there was once a liger (though I never got the chance to see it), as well as skunks and fruit bats. The primates are pretty amusing, as well as the giraffes, llamas, and well every other animal there. But what I most enjoy about the zoo is the memories that I make there. 

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I think I stopped counting my quotes a while ago

My blog is a collection of answers people don’t want to hear to questions they didn’t ask.
~ Sebastyne Young

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Lifescouts badge #4: Bull's-eye

I had my first chance to do some archery during Christmas break. It was with my siblings and me and we were all beginners except for my older sister. It was very difficult at first because I wasn’t used to the bow, or how to position myself, and such. However, after getting my right-handed bow switched for a left-handed one, I became much better. So much better in fact, I ended up hitting the center of the target. However, my body started to ache and soon my performance started to suck. But it was worth it the ache in my body and the pain in my arm (from accidentally letting the string hit it). Though, I doubt I’ll become as good as Katniss Everdeen or Hawkeye anytime soon. 

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Goodbye sophomore year

Good job to Teddy Westside for helping to design the yearbook.
It is pretty awesome. And I have to go with 
Smarties on this one, that
the arrow does look like a house. 
This week has been the best week out of the whole school year because it’s the last week of school. It has been filled with skipping a few classes, because the teachers aren’t concerned with taking roll; hanging out with my friends; playing a lot of card games (specifically garbage); playing Life (Pirates of the Caribbean style), an intense game of Jenga, and Uno; eating candy; signing yearbooks; walking from here to there and back again before settling in a teacher’s classroom (the same classroom that my friends and I go to every morning); watching youtube videos such as Julian Smith, Studio C, and one or two nigahiga ones; and a few movies here and there. And it was fun because I wasn’t expected to work or turn in anything, the only exception to this was English class, of course. 
It was also a little sad because this year might be the last year at my high school. Meaning that by the time my junior year starts, I’ll be at a new school trying to work harder than ever before as well as trying to belong in a place that I don’t know by making friends with strangers people. So in order to lessen the sadness I decided to ask my friends the question what was a random memory from this year?
Some of them are funny, others a bit nostalgic, and the rest, well, really random. And hey, you might recognize a few of the people who also made a random quote from two years back, that is if you can figure out who’s who first. Well, here it goes.
-          The homecoming football game. ~ SeaBass
-          There was this day that I was more clutzy than ever before. I fell down the stairs 7 times, fell up the stairs 5 times, ran into lockers on a constant basis, ran into people all throughout the hallways, and just about every doorway I went through I ran into the bar between the two doors… that was a very interesting day. ~ Rebelious Smarties
-           BRIAN IS AMAZING ~ The Doctor
-          At Matheson half of the 7th graders knew me before I was an assistant director in the play, Aladdin. I felt pretty awesome because of that. ~ Alice
-          When ‘Smarties’ ran up and down a dark hallway screaming ~ Hermione
-          Throwing a granola bar across the classroom ~ Bad Wolf
-          The conspiracy is real. One day you’ll be sorry you didn’t listen. Maybe it isn’t too late to go to the computer lab and rip the A+ poster down. ~ Alyssa
-          In my ASL (American Sign Language) class, our teacher was asking about our favorite activity. I signed “signing” and she called me a brown noser and made fun of me for the rest of the class. It was hilarious! ~ Teddy Westside
-          So I was trying to talk to this guy who I thought was cute. He asked some person, “Hey have you seen How animals eat their food.” His friend replied, “Yeah I have.” So I jump in and say, “Oh my gosh I love that video.” The guy looks at me then starts working again not saying a word. MOTED! Oh it was so sad! ~TayMay
-          Caylin and I were sitting in the hall & an apple exploded and went EVERYWHERE! We didn’t do anything and when Carson came out of the closet! LOL!! :) ~ Nicole
-          When we practice fire drills!!! xD and I run out of school screaming. ~ Caylin
-          During lunch, my friends and I played a game of truth or dare using a truth or dare app on my friend’s nook. It was a bit wimpy because the truth questions weren’t that great and most of the dares we couldn’t do because we were at school, but it was still fun. ~ nocturnal_owlette

My thoughts can’t really think up of a response to some of the memories that were mentioned, but for the moment I’ll go with [suppressed] laughter. And if you guys were able to figure out the people mentioned above, congrats, because I either know you outside of the internet, or you’re a very good online stalker, or you know them in real life as well.
Also, if I do know you in real life, just remember that I’m not entirely gone yet.
And as for those of you who I don’t know outside of the internet, well, I hope that you have a wonderful day/night.
And for the students who are near the end of their school year, good luck! And I know that you can make it till then, also have fun and just know that I believe you can do it.

Dear followers, readers, viewers, etc,
Can you name a random memory from the past year?

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Lifescouts badge #3: The floats are coming.

It was sunny, it was cold, it was colorful, as well as very costume-ful. It was Halloween. And the principal of my elementary school was making each class parade around the school in their costumes. It was fun but it was embarrassing as my class paraded around classroom after classroom, in our very interesting costumes before returning back to our own to see other people parade in their costumes as well.
Down the street there was going to be a parade for Pioneer day in Utah. And up the street was my family hurriedly walking down the street to find a good spot to catch the parade. Eventually we did, the area was on a hill, yet it was grassy and shady. And as the parade started, we received free ice cream as well as other stuff, I believe. The floats flowed downwards looking for the most part pretty awesome and other times just plain weird. The marching bands from high schools and colleges throughout the state played their usual marching band songs. And the governor and his wife would be waving to the people around them from the backseat of their convertible.

On and on it went, my brother momentarily getting his moment of fame when he was featured on TV, as we later found out that day. And then, it stopped. It was slow, but it eventually stopped. And now my family and I found ourselves walking back up the street, getting distracted by fruit vendors and garage sales, back to my older sister’s place. 

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the sun is shining, the birds are chirping, and school is nearly out

Blue stock from here
Font is BD Toulouse and is found here

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