

More than one home

Photo by Urvish Prajapati on Pexels
I miss the Utah mountains, the dryness,  the red deserts, the purple sunsets, the closeness of nature, the Hispanic cuisine, the uniqueness of the Great Salt Lake, and its peculiarness amongst America. However, it's still not enough to make me want to go back. It was a good home for a giant chunk of my life. However, there was a stillness, a being stuck in a jello feeling that I had after college. And I needed to get out.
I had to. 
Especially for my mental health and learning how to process everything that was going on in my life.
Honestly, I didn't expect Seattle to be that place. But after some adjusting, I'm glad it was that place that I needed to be in for the moment.

And now the weather:


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