

π = 3.14........ (that's all I know)

                The first twenty digits are 3.14159265358979323846 [source]. There's over five trillion digits found in pi alone. It's also an irrational number, meaning it goes on and on, never ever coming to an end. And there are mathematicians dedicated to studying about pi and finding more of its digits. Plus it’s useful to know pi to find out the circumference of pie.
            You may be asking yourself, how do I know all this? Well I had to study it because that was the topic of the academic games (A club, that’s competing against other schools. It’s kind of like jeopardy only there’s some people that comes in with posters and talks about a topic, etc [unfortunately I don’t buzz in the answers] I’ll talk about it next time). However that was last year though, and by now I forgot most of it except for those facts. And if you’re wondering if I’m on the academic team again, no I’m not. It was fun though considering that what my teammates [not the ones that buzzed in the answers] just usually lounged around and talked, barely researching… I think. We did find some site that found our birthday in pi, here’s the link if you’re interested in it.
            Well moving on, you may be wondering why I’m talking about pi. And no, it’s not because someone dared me too (I doubt that person will even remember, considering that there’s other stuff going on in their lives). More like someone reminded me without actually talking to me, if that made sense. Now you’re probably thinking why am I suddenly talking about pi and will I stop rambling. Well sure, I’ll answer the question in a minute, or right now actually.
            Today is March 14, right. Right and its most commonly written this way 3/14 or 3-14. *Nudge, Nudge* it’s a hint. I’ll give you five seconds to figure it out.
… One
… Two
… Three
… Four
… Five
If you haven’t figured or heard by now today is Pi day! Not the pi with the e[dible] in it by the way. A day actually dedicated to pi, and pies. And some people do celebrate it, even though there’s no day off from work or school. There’s a song on it too, it’s just a parody of the song Friday by Rebecca Black. And, I’m sure there’s other stuff dedicated to Pi Day but that’s the only thing I can think of that I saw and remembered. Well now onto the pics.

(The digits of pi)


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