

Lifescouts badge #3: The floats are coming.

It was sunny, it was cold, it was colorful, as well as very costume-ful. It was Halloween. And the principal of my elementary school was making each class parade around the school in their costumes. It was fun but it was embarrassing as my class paraded around classroom after classroom, in our very interesting costumes before returning back to our own to see other people parade in their costumes as well.
Down the street there was going to be a parade for Pioneer day in Utah. And up the street was my family hurriedly walking down the street to find a good spot to catch the parade. Eventually we did, the area was on a hill, yet it was grassy and shady. And as the parade started, we received free ice cream as well as other stuff, I believe. The floats flowed downwards looking for the most part pretty awesome and other times just plain weird. The marching bands from high schools and colleges throughout the state played their usual marching band songs. And the governor and his wife would be waving to the people around them from the backseat of their convertible.

On and on it went, my brother momentarily getting his moment of fame when he was featured on TV, as we later found out that day. And then, it stopped. It was slow, but it eventually stopped. And now my family and I found ourselves walking back up the street, getting distracted by fruit vendors and garage sales, back to my older sister’s place. 


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