

Four choices

Photo by Anis Abdul
You wake up and find yourself among the stars. There is no ground underneath you just an endless void. And the heat of the stars’ travel across your skin in their far away spot. The only sound you can hear is your fast, shaky breathing and your lack of a heartbeat.

You are dead.

Getting up, not sure how this is even possible as there is no official ground, you glance around and notice four tunnels of light.

The one in front of you screams Earth. Choosing this option means that you are reincarnated into a human baby found in the past, present, or future. But do you feel the need to begin again?

The one to your right sings Heaven. Choosing this option means that you get anything that you want without paying a price. But do you feel that you have been good enough for this route?

The one behind you hums with Emptiness. Choosing this option means that you turn back into the stars and wander around the universe in an endless manner. But do you feel the need to give up?

The one to your right whispers Hell. Choosing this option means that you live in torture for the rest of eternity. But do you feel that you have been bad enough for this route?

You pause not sure which path to take. And you know that you don’t have long to make a choice before it comes. So, taking a deep breath you take a step in whatever direction you chose and another, and another knowing that it is the right one for you.

Do you regret the decision immediately when you step up to the light?

Too late, some unknown force pushes you in, and you find yourself falling towards a fate that you are not prepared for.

Note: This is a story idea that's been on my mind for about four years but I couldn't find a way to say it till now.

And now the weather:
~ Stacy N.


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