

It's in the little things

Photo by RODNAE Productions on Pexels
Dear younger me,
Things that I never noticed make up a long-term relationship till now*:
- Joining AAA together on the same account. 
- Moving in with each other and being on the same lease
- Going to the same mechanic. 
- Taking each other out to things that excite the other person because you want to see the joy on their faces.
- Cuddling with each other every night because it helps us sleep. 
- Finishing the last of the whole milk even though we're both lactose intolerant. (My butt and the toilet were not very happy with that.)
- Helping make a dish even though the smell gives you a headache. 
- Giving each other space to do our own activities.
- Getting the same shared apps on our phones so we both can be equally annoyed by the home security system while scanning receipts to earn points for fun things and enjoying the clean air from our air purifier.
- Watching a million shows together and trusting the other person doesn't watch it without us.
- Farting in front of each other. 
- Still accepting each other after seeing the other person at their worst and lowest points.
- Taking care of the other person when they're sick and having them take care of you too. (Even if said person was the one who got you sick in the first place.)
- Getting the other person their favorite snacks every time you go out just because.
- Laughing at the dumbest things.
- Trusting that the other person won't crash your car when they drive it. (Especially if said car is a fancy-ass luxury vehicle.)
- Taking accountability and responsibility and a willingness to change when you messed up, especially if it hurt those closest to you.
- Learning how to apologize sincerely and not backhandedly.
- Creating boundaries and respecting the other person's boundaries.
- Being comfortable with each other in all kinds of situations and environments. (Note to self: avoid the bathroom for a little bit when he's pooping though.)
- Helping each other out with the chores and trying to not make it too heavy-handed to the point where one person is doing most of the work.
- Lots of kisses. xoxo xoxo
- Also a lot of I love yous, drive safe, be careful, and what not. 
- Sharing a lot of streaming services together, might as well throw in Nintendo too. 
- Trusting that your partner is perfectly capable of taking care of themselves while you're not there.
- Sharing a bunch of videos and memes with each other, even if we're right next to each other.
- Sharing a Costco membership with each other.
- And many other things, but overall we're still learning more about each other while still growing up alongside each other and loving each other even when the clouds are gray and stormy as they pass over the sky. 

*Different for every relationship.

And now the weather:

~ Stacy N.


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