

What my mother taught me

Photo by Ylanite Koppens on Pexels
Dear mẹ của con,
Thank you for teaching me how to not give a fuck about what I'm wearing. After all, the most important thing is my smile and confidence, of course.
Even though it feels hard to do since it feels so engrained in Vietnamese (or is it more Việt kiều?) culture to one-up each other; pass judgment onto others; and turn everything into a competition. And the best way to prove that you come from a respectable (or at least decent) family is to show that in your clothing.
That gets tiring. I just want to dress up as a slob sometimes and show others that what really matters is your morals. After all, that's what's going to be judged in the afterlife. Not our clothing choices, but your actions and values and all that. 
Oh yeah, you also taught me to massage my face (which I still don't ever do.)

And now the weather:

~ Stacy N.


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