

Happy Father's Day!

Hope everyone and their fathers had an excellent Father's Day. For Father's Day I got my dad a small cake from Smiths, and a card. Which thankfully he liked, if he want to know what I wrote on the card, here it is. It's in Vietnamese, and then I'll translate it in English. Well here it is.
Vietnamese version:

Thưa cha,
Chúc mừng ngày của Cha. Hy vọng bạn có một ngày, tốt đẹp thư giãn. Ngoài ra bạnnhư bánh của bạn? Vâng, chúng tôi chỉ muốn nói rằng bạn là một người cha tuyệt vời mà không ai có thể thay thế.

Tình yêu,
Stacy, Tracy, và Tim

English version:

Dear Father,
Happy Father's Day. Hope you have a 
nice day, to relax. Also how's your cake? Well,we just want to say you're a great father, that no one could replace.

Stacy, Tracy, and Tim

P.S. It's weird because I translated it from English to Vietnamese, because I can't really write in Vietnamese. And then I translated it back to English, and now some of the words changed, that I had to change back. Technology is sure acting up now days.


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