It’s important to love yourself.
I used to be in love with the idea of being in love, and as I think about it, little remnants of it still remain.
Some of the things pro-lifers, do seem very ironic.
Chocolate is always good.
Disney is a nice pick me up.
Reading is also a good one as well.
I’m somehow finding a way to incorporate astronomy and magic in my fantasy novel, you know IDE
Bad guys can easily be disguised as cute guys with nice voices who proposes to princesses they just barely met on the first day of said princess’s sister’s coronation.
I don’t need a guy saving me from most of my troubles that I can easily fix myself.
Feminism is about crushing the patriarchy not being superior to guys (which is better known as sexism).
Disney surely likes transformations to happen within a song, Hercules becomes scrawny to buff, Mulan learns how to fight like a guy, Jane becomes one of the Lost Boys, Elsa builds a castle made out of ice, etc.
You don’t always have to go to church to know the difference between right and wrong.
Dress up, do everything and anything for yourself. Impress yourself. Be your own best friend. Just love yourself. Because after all, in the end, you’re stuck with yourself for all of forever and eternity.
Winter can be beautiful in its own way.
If you feel bad about something, try forgiving someone, if they actually deserve it. Don’t just forgive someone just because they demand of it, and you know for sure that they don’t deserve it.
Always save that one kiss for someone special (even if it is just yourself).
You have the right to be angry.
Treat your body like a temple.
If you don’t feel well, take some time off to try to make yourself feel better. Actually try.
Try to do something that you enjoy, every day.
Crying doesn’t make you weak.
It’s okay to want to spend some time alone.
Love those who actually deserve it.
Remind yourself that you are a lovely person made out of elements that literally make up the stars around us.
Try to find some kind of balance in your life.
Grades aren’t everything.
Puppies help.
Magic. Just magic.
I really don’t like Steven Moffat as showrunner of Doctor Who. Nor did I really actually realize all the reasons why Doctor Who seemed off ever since he came on, till I read this post (link to Doctor Who post). [2018: I don't remember the link anymore, sorry y'all.]
I’m starting to really question my sexuality. Is it heterosexual, asexual, demi-sexual, somewhere in the gray areas of asexuality?
There is a giant difference between wanting a sexual relationship with someone and wanting a romantic relationship with someone.
I’m pretty sure that I’m a hetero-romantic. [2018: joke is on everyone, I'm actually bi-romantic]
Writing is pretty helpful.
Never say yes to a marriage proposal to a person you just met that day.
Misunderstanding stems from miscommunication.
Actually try to talk to someone about your feelings.
Do everything slowly!
No matter how hard you try to make yourself feel empty, it won’t work in the end. Feelings will seep in through the cracks of your system. And it will feel even worse in the end.
Always try to keep track of your money.
Do they ever sleep in Frozen or eat?
Things that will make me cry: Whenever Disney just has one of those beginnings (Frozen, Up). TFiOS. The Hunger Games, Catching Fire, Doctor Who (before season 5)
Jackasses are disguised in many forms.
Why are villains always talking about their plans? If you don’t want anyone to spoil your plans, don’t talk about them!
True love comes in many forms.
Bookstores and coffee are lovely.
You don’t always need to have a king to rule a kingdom.
It’s okay to point out the problems of something that you love.
Try to accept the flaws of someone you love.
Try to change the more serious problems of something you love, like the sexism in Doctor Who, whitewashing in media.
Never ever let anyone touch you without your permission.
It’s okay to still love animated movies, even at age seventy-five or whatever.
Achieve happiness, but never at the expense of your health.
There’s always someone good trying to help ease the evil in this world.
Never ever abuse anyone in any shape or form.
Women clothing is designed to look good not to actually be, you know, functional and useful.
Patience is a virtue. One that I constantly try to snare and hope that it won’t slip away from me again.
It’s hard to try to distract yourself, from the things you don’t want to think about.
Never be jealous of someone else’s life when you already have a pretty awesome one.
I’m not a giant fan of this Kombucha drink. It tastes a teensy bit like alcohol to me, and considering that it is fermented a little…
Peppermint tea is wonderful.
I can’t help but feel slightly confined when I’m listening to church sermons on the weekend.
Coffee isn’t that bad.
It’s okay to be thin, it’s okay to be thin, and it’s okay to be thin.
It’s okay to have the lights on.
It’s okay to be afraid.
It’s okay to not want to do anything for the day.
Eighteen is a pretty number.
Remember this, photoshop isn’t portable and it sets the standard for unachievable looks in beauty.
Try to be comfortable in your own skin.
Birth control is actually beneficial. And it doesn’t turn women into crazy sluts and make them want to have sex all the time (despite what some people, who are uneducated in what birth control, says).
Society is hard on women and on people who aren’t white.
It’s dumb that pads and tampons aren’t free to give out and such, but condoms are.
Teaching people about abstinence isn’t going to prevent people from actually doing it.
It’s okay to not listen to those around you.
Do whatever you want, as long as you’re responsible for it! And at least know the risks that you’re taking on.
It’s okay to still keep some of your childhood toys.
Think to yourself. A person is holding a baby in one hand and in the other a fetus. Both are dying from some unknown disease. And you have the medicine that can save only one of them. The problem is, there isn’t enough to save both. And if you try splitting the medicine between both of them, it will only prolong their death by a couple of hours. So who do you choose to save?
It’s okay to be jealous but just don’t let that run your life.
I often feel conflicted. Wanting to do one thing or the other.
Being held isn’t that bad.
If you want to take a selfie, because you feel cute, then take it!
Don’t ever try to starve yourself on purpose!
I really want to burn some magazines and bathroom scales.
I’m now considering taking a road trip around Canada and ski for a little while.
It’s okay to not know what you want to do after high school.
It’s okay to take a little time off for yourself so you can try to figure out what you want to do.
Remember to eat healthily!
Stay hydrated!
I’m a being made out of stardust. One that’s pretty awesome and bad at being ugly, according to my boyfriend.
It’s okay to be happy and to be all smiling and like a little girl sometimes, especially because of a certain someone.
It’s okay to say no!
It’s okay to not want to go beyond your limit!
Always take care of yourself first.
I really want to kick someone’s ass sometime.
Stand up straighter for a little bit of time during the day. Put your nose up in the air, and it’s okay if you’re not smiling. All the while thinking slightly murderous thoughts.
The future is frightening. Embrace it and just know that you’re capable enough to handle it.
It’s okay to ask for help.
Take naps.
If you don’t feel like doing it then don’t do it. This includes smiling, eating something that your older sister made, reading, etc.
Be aware of the brownies.
Reread your favorite books so you can experience all the reasons why you fell in love with that book in the first place. All the while picking up a few new details here and there.
Try to not care so much about how many views a certain blog post got or how many followers you have. It’s all about quality, not quantity when it comes to blogging.
However, for NaNoWriMo, it’s the opposite (quantity vs quality)
Scarves. Warm, cute, and nice to have around.
Challenge yourself! Try new things! All the while thinking to yourself, can I handle it? (and be really honest with yourself on this one).
Sleep isn’t your enemy.
Listen, really listen to what your body wants.
There’s a difference between wants and needs.
It’s nice to be with someone.
It was also nice being single.
Write it down so you won’t forget!
When I’m alone or listening to a lesson or just doing something, my mind just starts to wander, distracted, not on guard, and just in general busy doing something else, wisps of jealously starts to wrap around my mind. And for a minute it’s hard to think about anything else, as my thoughts start to turn to other girls that can easily make him smile and laugh and such. And I know that it’s stupid and that I shouldn’t really be thinking about it, after all, he did choose me. And other people would say that I’m lucky to even be dating someone that happens to be a cute dork with intellectual thoughts. After all, a guy is everything. Yet, I still can’t help but think about the why. Out of everyone on this planet, he chose me, a nerdy Asian who’s bad at a lot of stuff, except self-esteem issues. One who’s simply bad at talking, and who feels like she’s slightly annoying and maybe offending someone. So why did he even bother with me? This all lasts a minute or two, as I try to focus my mind on something else. Back on the lesson, tumblr, reading, whatever. Because, I don’t need this, I don’t need this, I don’t need this. Yet it’s still there. Just waiting, simply waiting to find another chance to creep up on me again.
And now the weather: aka a way to get some of the oldest songs off the playlist
Hey Boy by Dong Nhi
- Stacy N.